Surveyors in Worthing

Worthing is not only by the sea but is also in easy reach of the beautiful South Downs. With many different types of property, the town is growing in popularity as a place to bring up families, with evermore amenities and job opportunities locally and in nearby towns including bustling Brighton.

Worthing is one of the unsung gems of the South Coast, with a wide range of property choices, from beachside apartments to town centre terraces and comfortable detached homes. The town has plenty of character with a good mix of Victorian, Art Deco and modern architecture and a very attractive traditional pier. Transport links include direct trains to Gatwick and London, ample options for local and longer distance buses, and major road connections via the A27.


Home Buyer Reports and Building Surveys in Worthing

As building surveyors in Worthing, we offer a full range of reports and surveys for properties in the town and surrounding areas. Our approach is to start with an initial assessment of the property before agreeing with our clients to move on to a Home Buyer Report or more detailed Building Survey Report


What kind of survey do I need for property in Worthing?

The Worthing house survey you require will depend on the age and condition of the property you are buying. A Home Buyer Report will in most cases have all the principal information you need for properties built after 1800, as long as they are in good condition and are of standard construction. 

If the property is older or generally not in a good state of repair a full Building Survey is a better way of protecting your interests. You need to know about potential remedial costs to make an informed decision about the property. The larger the property, or the more expensive it is, the more important it is to have all the details covered by a Building Survey.  

If there are specific issues to investigate, we frequently recommend a Building Defect Report which is somewhere between a Home Buyer Report and a Building Survey. This type of survey gives details on defects and makes recommendations on how to correct them.



What do Worthing surveyors do?

As Chartered Surveyors covering Worthing as well as the rest of East Sussex, West Sussex and neighbouring counties, we have a full knowledge of the different types of property in the area. Whatever type of purchase you are considering – a seafront home, a Victorian townhouse, a modern development or a rural property in the South Downs – our experts will be able to provide the information you need. 

Our Chartered Surveyors will undertake a detailed examination of the property, inside and outside. When we conduct a full Building Survey we will report on the loft space, the condition of the roof and the boundaries. If applicable, we will also inspect party walls and cellars. 

Our Building Survey Reports provide expert comments on all aspects of the property, including any evidence of concerns such as sinking, sagging, infestation, rot and other dilapidation. We supply advice on making good any damage, and for maintaining the property in the future. We will also provide details of trusted local contractors who you can contact to carry out remedial work to the highest standards.



Worthing Building Surveys for Property Sellers

If you are selling a property, you have the option of relying purely on valuations by estate agents. However, we strongly recommend that you ask our experts to review your property to identify any issues which may be highlighted by potential buyers. By doing so you will be in a better position to determine an appropriate asking price, and to facilitate the sale of your home at the best price. 



Building Surveys for Property Insurance Purposes

Does your building insurance cover all your potential expenses if your home is damaged by natural causes such as subsidence, floods, or fallen trees? Or by malfunctions causing fires or explosions? Or by vandalism or theft?  

An accurate property valuation based on a professional survey will tell you how much cover is needed, either for existing or new owners. Find out more about making sure your property is properly covered here:

A Guide to Property Underinsurance and the Need for Accurate Valuations

Information on Building Insurance Reinstatement Costs


Why choose Robinson Elliott Property Surveyors in Worthing?

We have far-reaching experience as Chartered Surveyors in Worthing. As RICS-registered, fully qualified building surveyors, we produce reports and surveys for all types of property. We are proud of the reputation we have established for our professional services throughout East and West Sussex, as well as in neighbouring counties and London. 


To find out more about our range of services, please do get in touch. Our experts are on hand to offer advice and assistance, and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.